Chilson Recreation Center

In 2008 Bruce, while a partner at BRS, was asked by the City of Loveland to help evaluate improvements to their 1987 recreation senior center.  Having designed the adjacent public library as part of the Loveland Civic Center in 1987, he understood the significant role this well loved but dated center played for Loveland residents and in the revitalized downtown.  The challenge was to bring dynamic new activities and character to the center while respecting the park setting and adjacent old neighborhood.

A comprehensive lobby renovation expands customer service and staff areas, provides comfy lounge seating with views to the pools in a skylighted atrium and adds party spaces that open to the pools.  A fun filled leisure pool expansion features a showcase activity to the busy street and opens the existing lap pool with daylight and views.

A broad array of flexible activity space includes studios for weights and yoga overlooking downtown, a youth multi-use gymnastics space and a new spinning room.  The center has received accolades from citizens and visitors alike and continues Loveland’s reputation from bringing great recreation services to its citizens.